The daycare environment has been found by numerous studies to benefit infants, children, and babies from ages of 6 months to 4 years. The social instructions provided by the structured environment of daycare provide numerous benefits to very young children.
While many parents understandably balk at the thought of entrusting the care of their children to daycare, the benefits provided make it a good decision. Parents wanting the best for their children do so when they are sent to high-quality daycare.
Here’s why:
Consistent schedule and activities
The consistent schedule and activities for children of all ages provided by daycare stimulate their intellectual development and growth. Napping, eating, and playing are part of the structured activities that provide stability to children.
The inclusion of fun activities such as storytelling and singing songs makes the learning exciting and enjoyable for children. The organised and structured setting of daycare also ensures that the behaviour of children won’t be all over the place when they are picked up by parents.
Literacy skills
Daycare programs are required to follow a structured curriculum from the state where it is located. This guarantees that children are provided opportunities to improve their literacy skills while attending daycare.
Numerous studies have seen that better cognitive and language development is acquired by children attending daycare during the first four years of their lives. Another study found that children attending daycare during the first four years show stronger math and reading skills by the time they reach the age of 5.
Better behaviour
Better behaviour is exhibited by children exposed to high-quality daycare during their formative years. The consistent interaction with their peers and other adults in daycare helped children to learn and develop social skills.
Peer and problem-solving difficulties are prevented from happening in the first place when children attend daycare at an early age. Many studies have found that cognitive and emotional development during daycare years make children show better pro-social behaviours later in life.
Tougher immune system
Children in daycare could probably become always sick. Sharing the same toys, books, and space with other children can cause germs to transfer from one child to another. However, this period of sickness pays off down the road with the toughening of their immune system.
Being able to fight off common diseases and illnesses as children grow older becomes apparent when they start formal schooling. Just like vaccines, early exposure to diseases and germs in daycare makes children become healthier adults.
Smooth transition to primary school
The supervised and structured setting of daycare is a precursor to formal schooling. While daycare offers a more laid-back setting, the structured playtimes and activities are similar to that of kindergarten. The transition from daycare to kindergarten is a smoother experience for both parents and children. Adjustment to formal schooling is not difficult when children are exposed to daycare.
Learn valuable social skills
Being able to play well, interact, and resolve arguments with their peers in daycare is the best way for children to learn and develop valuable social skills. The positive skills they learn and develop from daycare helps children during formal schooling and beyond.
Many parents often find it tough to choose the right daycare for their children. It is best to check out a local kindergarten in Hallam.